A dental crown can prevent the need for extraction and replacement of a damaged or decayed tooth later. Dr. Mark and his team can help restore proper function and beauty to your smile, ensuring you can eat, speak, and greet the world confidently.
The best part about a dental crown is that you can care for it just as you would your natural teeth. Brush your teeth twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste and floss once a day. Use an anti-bacterial mouthwash and be sure to visit SmileCare Dental for your regular cleanings and exams. With proper care, your dental crown can last for decades.
Dr. Mark and his team at SmileCare Dental provide excellent dental crown services for patients from Fitchburg and nearby areas, including Lunenburg, Leominster, Ashburnham, Ayer, Ashby, Townsend, and Groton, MA.
We are here to help you learn which dental crown might be the best option for you. Call our office at 978-345-5563 to start your journey to a restored smile today.